Address: Prinses Beatrixlaan 7, The Hague, Netherlands, Phone: 0800 – 5028 (gratis) Email: Website:https://www.hetcak.nl/zakelijk/regelingen/onverzekerbare-vreemdelingen

Medical insurance

I would like to obtain health insurance, is this possible? If you have no residence permit, you are not entitled to mandatory health insurance in accordance with the Dutch Health Insurance Act. Some health insurance companies provide their own insurance packages. Zilveren Kruis and OOM provide travel insurances that may be applicable. Migrants who visit

Emergency care

What can I do in an emergency? In acute situations, such as an accident or life threatening situation: ● Call 112 for an ambulance (toll free). ● Or go to the emergency room of the nearest hospital. For urgent issues call your doctor during the day. Tell at the phone it’s urgent. Evenings or weekends

Visiting a doctor

May I see a doctor? In the Netherlands you have a right to health care, even if you do don’t have a residence permit, therefore you may certainly make an appointment to see a doctor. Every doctor has a legal duty to treat you, regardless of whether or not you are ‘legally’ in the Netherlands


How can I visit a pharmacy? If the general practitioner has given you a prescription for the pharmacy you can collect your medication there. In principle you will have to pay for this medication in advance. If you are not able to pay, you can go to the pharmacy that is contracted by Het CAK.

Mental health

Can I visit a psychologist or a psychiatrist? If you suffer from psychological problems, for example severe anxiety or depression, you can be helped by a psychologist or a psychiatrist. For this help you do need a referral note from the general practitioner. If you do not have any money the psychologist or psychiatrist can

Maternal care

I am pregnant, what do I need to do? The midwife supports pregnant women as of three months’ pregnancy. You are free in your choice of midwife. The midwife checks the progression of the pregnancy and the health of mother and child. If you cannot pay the midwife, she can claim her expenses from Het